

is not just a brand – it´s a lifestyle.
It is about becoming part of a community that sets new standards.
Good manners, nice words and random acts of kindness are rare to find in our society…
In some way we lost the instinct for kindness and the willingsness to support others. Often our responses to people are driven by doubts, worries, concerns not to offend anybody or the fear of getting involved to much.
Our vision is to encourage you to SET NEW STANDARDS daily.
What does it mean to set new standards?
It is not about achieving everything you set as a goal every time. It is about the lifestyle and the mindset. A Standard is not one goal or one action. It is about setting who you want to become over who you are. It evolves around a mindset of living your life with respect for yourself and the people around you. 
Our wish for you is that you hold yourself to a high standards and take responsibility for yourself. A standards is set fast, but proven only over time. We are here to play the long game!



 to the people around you - your family, friends, children, older people and even to strangers. It means to be polite and treat people well – even if they give you no specific reason. Sometimes this is just a smile or a compliment you give a stranger. But it can also be the favourite coffee or food you buy your friend to show you care about her or him.
To be nice to others – you have to be nice to yourself first. Public gestures come from a strong character driven by deep values. We hope you know how loved you are – so take care of yourself too. And stop being so afraid to be confident. Your are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.
But the more grateful you are – the more beauty you will see, and the easier it is to be nice to others. And that makes life so much easier, happier and more enjoyable for all of us.

things that are meaningful. A little more kindness – a little less judgment. Kind words cost nothing but have the power to light someone up. Open the doors for others, help people who might have difficulty doing things on their own. You can´t even imagine what kind of an impact that could have on someones life. So take action. :)

Be proactive, think win-win and seek first to understand then to be understood. In fact, selfless people who give, help and volunteer a lot are typically happier people.

Why? Because doing good decreases stress, helps you to build better relationships and will motivate you to do good again. It builds your character.

Never stop doing good things because of how people are treating you. Be kind to unkind people - they often need it the most.


Be present in the moment. Physically we are often here, but mentally and emotionally we are elsewhere. Stop for a moment and appreciate everything that is happening right now. By being present you will be more aware of your environment and the people around you. You will see all the random chances and possibilities to do good things.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people!



Love, motivate and celebrate people, encourage and believe the best about others. Spend time with your loved ones and make memories. Be a cheerleader.

People > T-Do´s

Call and listen. Simply allowing your friends to discuss their feelings in an open environment can make a big impact. There are times when it is good to listen, give advices, or just be by their side. This will lead to deep and strong relationships. Be quick to listen, but slow to speak. 


Support others also means to look for the best in someone. Think positive! Don´t think the worst of others around you. Even if people have disappointed you in the past, don´t lose hope. It doesn´t mean you don´t see the worst, it just means that even in the middle of the worst time of someone´s life, you remember the best, celebrate the best and remind that person of their best. By believing in people so much we help them bear their failures.


 All of us are works in progress and we all have a few faults and failures. But we also all wish at some point to have – or wish we had – people in our lives who are solid roofs to rely on. We can be that person for someone else in our lives.


Check on neighbors and family members, especially those who live alone, are elderly or have health and mobility issues.

Just because someone carries it well doesn´t mean it isn´t heavy.

Please check on your friends <3


Leave footprints of kindness wherever you go
